I’m teaching the following Two classes. For registration details, click hERE
versatility with cast-oNs
We knitters all have our “go to” cast-on, the one which is automatic in our head and hands, and flows quickly. However, as our experience grows, we begin to recognize that different projects require different types of cast-ons. Some projects need stretchy cast-ons, others need a cast-on that allows knitting in two directions, and some projects gain sophistication and pizzazz by having a decorative edge cast-on. This class covers multiple cast-ons, including German Twisted, Crochet Provisional, Channel Island, Braided Two Color, Tubular, Picot, and a rather complex two-needle cast-on excellent for when an elastic edge (like for lace or K1B) is needed. Come discover a new versatility in beginning projects!
One can spend a knitting lifetime exploring the various lovely twists and turns that make up regular cable combinations. Now add color to that mix! One color cable patterns against a different background color, different color cable strands meandering all over and among each other, striped cables, and bi-color rope cables are some of the combinations covered. You will be amazed at how the same cable pattern can produce very different visual experiences by changing which stitch columns receive color. And discover the fun of experimenting with color placement as you learn how to convert a cable chart into a color cable chart using graph paper and/or a charting program.